The Power of School Culture for New Teachers

Throughout the month of August, shiny brand new teachers have been preparing their classrooms, reviewing curriculum, planning welcome activities, and tossing and turning the night before that big day. (OK, let's be honest, veteran teachers are doing these things too. But first year teachers' hearts are beating a little faster.) Everyone wants these newbies to be successful: the administrators and colleagues who were on their hiring committees, the students who enter their classrooms, the parents of those young learners, and all of us who want them to breathe new life into our education system. Where We Are Sadly, recent research shows that new teacher retention is poor. Nashville, Tennessee l oses half of its new teachers within 3 to 5 years . Even worse, in Oakland, California schools 70% of new teachers leave within 5 years . The top recommendation for retaining these teachers is to build meaningful and sustainable mentorships . Most schools and districts have mentor progr...