Japanese Sex Scandal... And No Shades of Gray

One of the steamiest, most widely read novels of love, scandal, sex, and betrayals in world history has nothing to do with shades of any color - not even gray. In Heian Japan, court society placed a heavy weight on obedience to rules of behavior and class. People who did not appreciate the value of life, beauty, and education were out of sync with their society. In the midst of this world, the first ever novel was written - by a woman, for women - about living life in a way that is good while enjoying the pleasures that tempt evil. The Tale of Genji You MUST watch the video at this link to catch a glimpse of the scandal, gossip, romance, and drama that unfolds in the novel. Visits from spirits are a metaphor for the lovely world readers visit when they read The Tale of Genji.Courtesy Library of Congress Digital Collections How could I have ever taught the Heian Period in Japan without having my sex-crazed teenage students read excerpts of this novel? I've ce...