The 'Fifty States Project' Book Has Arrived

Snowed in? Looking for some inspiration of the edtech variety?

Click this book cover to buy this awesome book!

EdSurge Associate Editor Mary Jo Madda has been leading an incredible project over the past year.  Her goal was to get educator contributors from all 50 states to write about their inspirational examples of tech integration in schools.  The result is this impressive guide on the EdSurge site.  The list of writers is impressive and includes people I admire quite a bit like Tom Murray and Pam Moran.
The many faces of the 'Fifty States Project'
I'm honored to be one of the faces in the flag and that my article about my students' infographic project last spring is a part of the guide.

If you sometimes like to read real tangible books, EdSurge has brought you one!  Get your copy of From School to Shining School: 52 Stories from Educators Across the U.S. in a full color paperback book.  I ordered mine today.


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