Watching Videos is Now an ACTIVE-ity

There are so many great historical documentary films out there. PBS and Ken Burns come to mind immediately as producers of the the best ones. However, there is a fine line between learning from a film and sitting in the classroom while a film plays. Many students, often unintentionally, miss key parts of documentaries showed in class simply because it is hard to maintain undiverted attention to the screen. Here are a few strategies to help solve that problem. Backchannel with TodaysMeet A few months ago I wrote about my first experience with backchannel in my classroom . Since then I've used the strategy many more times and each experience has been better for my students and myself. This strategy works best for longer screenings that last at least half the duration of a typical class period. How to Do It Set up a backchannel chat room on . You can decide how long the transcript will be available in advance; from one day to one ye...