The Civil War Teaches Us About Death... and the Beauty of Life

There is a great beauty in life that we fail to recognize until something, some experience or some knowledge, gives us the gift of perspective. I have personally gone through some difficult moments recently, but I was reminded of the great beauty of life last week as I got off a chairlift and buckled down my ski boots for the first run of the day at Attitash in Bartlett, New Hampshire. Rarely do we teachers get the opportunity to give our teenage students, who are caught up in a material and highly virtualized world, such perspective. There are countless passages and examples of the lives and deaths of ordinary soldiers throughout Drew Gilpin Faust ’s book, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the Civil War . This book just might provide us teachers with that opportunity. Faust is able to present ample evidence to prove that the nature of death and the American understanding of what death meant changed as a result of the war. The study of thes...