What is the One Thing All Learners Need?

This time I'm going to give away the answer in the first line: Personal Connection We know that student-teacher relationships are important when it comes to students' academic success . But, how does this apply to professional learning for educators? Earlier this week I had the privilege of working with the teachers, therapists, and specialists at the Valley Collaborative School . They asked me to share both a high quality curated list of openly licensed digital education resources ( OER ) and an instructional design method to help their educators customize learning based on both those resources and the varied needs of the children they serve. Based on my experience yesterday, combined with the work I've done with a few other districts, I have developed a theory: When it comes to professional learning, there are 3 levels of participation. Each level serves an important purpose, but if we never dig deep enough to get to Level 3 then the learning needs of participating e...